Everything here is personal fan-made lore. It is not official FFXIV lore. No part of this page is for profit.


The Okhaali and associated fan made lore here exist in a deep pocket of the Shroud, and need not effect anyone else's lore. If there are conflicts with your own interpretation, please let me know so I can properly accommodate your needs, even if that means dropping the material during our RP. In most cases, flavor lore is not necessary to continue the RP.The writing here is an attempt to properly put to paper the basic lore of the keeper tribe I've been working on since 2019. Characters and themes stretch back and overlap with other passion projects over the years. Fingers crossed on eventually finishing it and sorry for the mess!

Clan Information

The Okhaali is an old clan and one of the first to settle into the The Black Shroud. Isolated by their location, they made frequent travels to establish themselves as traders and artisians of the region, and maintained good relationships with other local clans and the city state of Gridania. Non-violent in nature, they avoid getting involve in struggles between neighboring Miqo'te clans.Known for settling into arboreal villages, the Okhaali consiter everything in the trees domain to be their territory. This is not just the space under the large boughs, but also so far as the entire root system stretches. In the Shroud, they populate a pair of sister trees and are building onto a third. The clan travels to spend part of the year in a secondary location, in the top of the giant Caelumtrees of Dravanian lands.The Okhaali people are excellent artisans and craftsmen, but the cornerstone of the clan lies in the use of textiles and weaving. Using natural vegetable dyes made from flowers, bark, herbs, and roots; colorful swaths of fabric are made and carefully cut into geometric patterns to be sewn into quilts. The quilts play an essential role of spiritual significance in the lives of the keepers.Proficient in this specialized type of weaving, they're able to imbue the maker’s own aether into geometric patterns comprising the quilt. Each one has its own purpose and power. Although important, quilts are not the only trade-craft made by the Okhaali clan.The Okhaali have developed unique types of healing combining acupuncture techniques and tattoos. These are done utilizing the body's natural reaction to acupuncture. Specially placed to target long lasting ailments or to correct an imbalance of aether, they leave a long lasting treatment in the inks and can ease physical ailments like joint pain. The marks are made by hand-tapping specially preppared ink into the skin using sharpened sticks or animal bone needles.Keeper Clan | Okhaali - Prosperous artisans and tradesmen. Totemic worshipers of Menphina.
Territory | -
Alignment | -
Alliances | -
Enemies | -
Trade Goods | - Woven textiles such as blankets, quilts, and cloaks. Colorful woven baskets. Cord marked pottery. Wood carved pipes, figures of animals, and masks.
Religion | -
misc notes: owl and antelope riders, beekeepers
The structure between the sexes is more muddied here than in other clans. Boys are not removed from the tribe, but are allowed to grow and learn from being involved in a flourishing community. The women of the tribe live near the center of the trees that support their homes, and the men live on the outer branches. Men and woman may come and go as they please, visiting each other or choosing to live together for short or extended periods. The men are referred to as the Okhaali'an, meaning "Sons of the Okhaali". Gender roles are not enforced, and many women are fierce hunters as some men desire to become caretakers or artisans. Transitioning is welcome, and quite a few shamans are trans or claim no gender at all, or both genders at once. As such, it is an individual's own choice if they belong to the Okhaali or the Okhaali'an, with some choosing to walk between the two and choose neither. These are called the Ha'al. For the sake of not confusing Outsiders, the clan and it's people are called Okhaali when speaking to Others.


Seekers of the Sun

The Apothecary

titletitle 2

Delicate glassworks made from melted sand.
Ceramics and functional pottery


“Her body was wrapped in shadows like moth wings; like rose-petals.”

“Her body was wrapped in shadows like moth wings; like rose-petals.”

“Her body was wrapped in shadows like moth wings; like rose-petals.”

“Her body was wrapped in shadows like moth wings; like rose-petals.”


Seekers of the Sun Tribes

Tribes:Jackals (shadow aspect) - Guardians of tombs, watch over the places of the dead. They control and cull undead and destroy voidsent. Lives in homes cared into the cliffsides near desert dunes, using low tent coverings providing porches and protection from the sun. Primary trade wares are glassworksZu-cornus (light aspect) - Live in dwellings carved into the side of rock formations.
Drakes (fire aspect) - Train and ride drakes, formidable spear fighters.
Gawareks (water aspect) - Worship sarcosuchus/alphagin-like creatures. Cultivate the land and grow food near lush regions close to bodies of water.
Coeurls (lightning aspect) - Found in temples dedicated to the Coeurl, living alongside the beasts without fear.
Condors (wind aspect) - Craftsmen. Heavily nomadic, following migration patterns and other callings of the wild places based on what the shamans hear on the winds.
Vipers + (ice aspect) - A tribe of reclusive people living in the thickest of jungle lands, recently on the warpath.
Jaguar + (earth/sand aspect) - A tribe that once maintained a balance of spiritualism and hunting. Something took them off the path and tainted them. Currently known to begin bloody skirmishes without provocation. Estranged from the other tribes and banished from social gatherings and grand council meetings after the Jaguar tribe convinced the Vipers to act in warlike shows of aggression with them.